Poor Clare Nuns
Christ the King Monastery
                                                     And the story continues.

In their new home in Atlantis, Florida, things were a little chaotic at first, with the moving of their furniture and personal belongings and all, and the sisters choosing their new bedrooms, "I've got the room by the pool!" says one of them. And then there's setting up the new big screen TV in the living room, getting cable and phones all working properly.

Then, to add some more excitement, Leanna had contracted Covid, and was walking around the place, coughing and sneezing, before she bothered to tell the others she was sick. The worst of it was that Kathleen was immunodeficient because of her several bouts with cancer, and her oncologist told her to get out of there quick! So she had to leave with only the clothes on her back, headed directly to get tested at the clinic. Fortunately, she was still ok. And more fortunately, a good friend took her into her home and provided her with a place to stay, temporarily. And, yes, that's right, there's more to this story as well,
                                                   so again, STAY TUNED!

At this point, things got real nasty at the hacienda, and they got progressively worse until it was realized that things were not as they may have been seen by the outside world.

It was at this point that the idea developed that this situation needs explaining, that you-all out there need to know what these folks are really like, behind closed doors. So one day, more likely sooner than later, you will be reading here, an expose that will tear your sox off, bring tears to your eyes, and then make you mad as hell!
                     As they say, STAY TUNED! click Next Pg to read more.
Our new websites will always be,
by the Hand of God,
a 'Work in Progress'.
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